November 18th, 2025
11:00am Bus pick up at OTO Home Office (Blue Moon boxed lunches)
4:00pm-6:00pm Arrivals and Registration
6:00pm Cocktail Reception in Pre-function
6:30pm-9:30pm Casino Night / Vendor Trade Show (raffle drawings throughout the night)
10:30pm Last Shuttle Departure
November 19th, 2025
6:15am-6:45am Sunrise Yoga at Lumina (outdoor terrace on lobby level)
6:30am-7:45am Breakfast at Lumina
8:00am-10:00am (ALL) Lumina Ballroom, Welcome, Q&A & Company Update
10:00am-10:30am (ALL) BREAK
10:30am-11:45am (ALL) Lumina Ballroom, Keynote Speaker
11:45am-12:45pm (ALL) Lumina Prefunction, Lua Lunch
Real Estate Team in Boardroom and Development Team migrate to the Sound Watch for the remainder of the afternoon
1:00pm-3:30pm Regional Breakout Session 1
GM, DOS, Revenue, Accounting, Facilities, F&B, Marketing, HR, Payroll,
Purchasing, IT
(WEST COAST/CHICAGO) Seema, Vince, Carla, Steve, Dean, Jason
(FLORIDA/CAROLINAS) Paul, Jodie, Dennis, Christine, Matt, Justin
(DC/NEW YORK) DDR, Lee, Anna
3:30pm-3:45pm (ALL) BREAK
3:45pm-5:00pm Regional Breakout Sessions 2
(WEST COAST/CHICAGO) Seema, Vince, Carla, Steve, Dean, Jason
(FLORIDA/CAROLINAS) Paul, Jodie, Dennis, Christine, Matt, Justin
(DC/NEW YORK) DDR, Lee, Anna
6:00pm (ALL) GROUP PHOTO on beach (wear your OTO pullover)
6:30pm-9:00pm (ALL) Coastal Cookout (poolside/event lawn)
November 20th, 2025
6:30am-8:30am Breakfast at Lumina
7:00am-7:45am Beach Sweep / Walk
8:15am-9:15am Group Breakout Session 1
(GM&DOS) Lumina Ballroom, Guiding Principles: Reinforcing Processes
(RE) Turtle Watch, Strategic Planning
(DEV) Sound Watch, Process & Procedures
9:15am-10:15am Group Breakout Session 2
(GM&DOS) Lumina Ballroom, Revenue Management
(RE) Turtle Watch, Pipelines and Deal Sourcing
(DEV) Sound Watch, Financial and Document Controls
10:15am-10:30am (ALL) BREAK
10:30am-11:30am Group Breakout Session 3
(GM) Lumina Ballroom, GSS / Bank of America Credit Card Processing
(DOS) Lumina Ballroom, Action Plans and Strategies
(RE) Turtle Watch, Expediting “yes” or “no”
(DEV) Sound Watch, Quality Management/Quality Control
11:30am-12:30pm Group Breakout Session 4
(GM) Lumina Ballroom, Talent Strategy / Great Place to Work
(DOS) Lumina Ballroom, Community Service
(RE) Turtle Watch, Pro forma Fine Tuning
(Dev) Sound Watch, Quality Management / Quality Control
12:30pm – 1:15pm (ALL) Lumina Prefunction, Southern Lunch
1:30pm-2:30pm (GM&DOS) Lobby, Speed Training
(RE) Turtle Watch, Supply Growth and Forecasting
(DEV) Sound Watch, Schedule Management
2:30pm-2:45pm (ALL) BREAK
2:45pm-4:00pm (ALL) Lumina Ballroom, Guiding Principles Success Stories
4:00pm-4:30pm (ALL) Lumina Ballroom, Closing Remarks with Todd Turner
Change for the Black & White Awards Dinner; shuttles to and from Shell Island and Blockade Runner will be available
5:15pm Shuttle transportation to Lumina
5:30pm-6:30pm Cocktail Reception
6:30pm-9:00pm Dinner and Awards
9:00pm-Midnight After Party Celebration
10:00pm Shuttle departures begin (leaving every 15 minutes stopping at all three locations)
Midnight Last shuttle departure
November 21st, 2025
9:00am Departure for the OTO Home Office (grab n’ go breakfast)
9:00am-11:00am (DEV) Meetings in Sound Watch